Every dollar raised during the Read-A-Thon pays for the school’s enrichment programs, classroom aides, classroom downsizing, aides for our teachers and administration, educational materials, technology upgrades and beautification/site improvements.
Getting sponsors is easy!
It’s easy to get friends, neighbors and relatives (especially loving grandparents) to support and sponsor your child’s reading! One of the most effective ways to get friends and family to donate is via social media (and a video of your child reading and asking for donations is a great tool!)
Donations can be submitted by check (payable to “Parents for Carpenter”), cash or online here. You can also download a printed sponsor sheet at carpentercharter.org
Parents for Carpenter, Inc. is a non-profit organization under Sec. 501(c)(3) Tax ID #95-405-7485. P.O. Box 1365, Studio City, CA 91614-0365